World Discussions > Politics
Gas Prices are... Down, Down, Down
(This was first written on Oct 10, 2006 on our Proboards site.)
Well, Well, Well... gas prices are low for... what reason??!?? ???
By rights, gas prices should be at an all time high because of the Alaskan oil well shut-down to fix rusty oil pipes. But that was explained away because that oil wasn't American oil. That oil was for Japan. I was under the impression oil was oil; It doesn't matter who's oil, there is a shortage of it and "that is that". I remember for a while, if the word "shortage" was used in a sentence everyone KNEW you were talking about oil. Remember those days? :-/
The government has been giving Americans the run around on the gas prices since Bush and his cronies have been in power. All we have heard about is how the gas prices are going to get higher and higher with no sign of relief. And just to keep us guessing and talking and cursing and wondering, the gas prices fluctuate between 2 cents to half a dollar in one given day, every day. Until, of course, now.
Do you suppose for a minute, or even a second, the reason why the gas prices are at an all time low has anything to do with an election year??!?? :o Kind makes you wanta :-X , doesn't it?
Progressive thoughts for a sheepish world,
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