Thanks Mick,
I would like to do just that. Truth is I'm stuck in the past. I have no idea how to do any of that. I need new skills.
Come on, little buckaroo, taking his hand a leading into the sunrise, I'll show you how to get out of that boring past. Actually none of it is hard.......JUST READ THE DIRECTIONS!!!!
Go to and sign up.
Or go to and you will find one of my photos and then be able to see all the others I have posted on there. In fact, I think you can even grade them while you are there.
The site is a good weather site and the photo section is pretty interesting.
Picaso is a free download from Google. It is a picture managing program that is really useful, not evasive ( you can choose whether it is a default program for photo management or not) and easy to work with. I will search your whole computer or whatever files you want it to, such as only My Documents, and accumulate photos all in one manageable album. It has helped me find lost photos in the past, simply because I have way to many in my hard drive. Once you have downloaded Picaso and let it do its magic, you can then upload to a free album that you can make private or public. That rascal is really cool, too. I uploaded a lot of family pics. None were named. They have a function that will sort them by face recognition. Then you can set up separate albums by individual. Just unbelievable for an old guy like me.