Can you drive and talk on a cell phone? I don't think so and it is not just me. to the study this article highlights, only 2.5% of those they studied (and that study was only 200 individuals...not a very big study) could actually multi-task, drive a vehicle while talking on a cell phone. 2.5% and there is a good chance that you aren't one of them.
We have all had somebody tail gate us then frantically pass us just to pull in front of us and then slow down causing you to pass them. When we travel around the busy centers in Michigan such as the Detroit area or Grand Rapids, for instance, the number of cell phone drivers is more than 50 % it would seem. There are times I am the only one at a traffic light that is not talking on a cell phone. It would be funny if it wasn't so dangerous.
Please pass laws, legislators, that make cell phone use while driving a felony with a death sentence hovering over it.