She simply doesn't use products with MSG and she doesn't have pain. When she gets a headache, we go back to whatever she has had contact with in the past 24 hours and find the culprit. The food and health and beauty industry are constantly changing and MSG and all of its derivatives that it hides it in are being added as we message. Citric Acid typically doesn't give her an immediate reaction and it cause a lingering headache the next day. Your friend that suffers from headaches simply needs to change her diet rather than try to mask her pain. Pain comes from our body warning us that something isn't right. Pain, most times, is not an infliction, but it is a symptom.
Concerning the word non-transdermal. It boggles my brain. I can't imagine why you think that the citric acid that is listed in the patch is not synthesized. It is cheap and has become the industry standard. You can go to a health food store and buy it, but it is the synthesized type. I read much of what is claimed by this company and their claim is something to do with magnetic yada yada yada and nanoantennas yada yada yada. I just don't get it, I guess. Again, I don't doubt people have found success with its use. Cocaine, opium and arsenic were once sold in patent medicine and were very effective. I personally know of people that were addicted to cough syrup with codeine. Making a person feel good or masking pain is easy. Done daily.
Again, since you seem to have an understanding of what non transdermal means, I would ask why citric acid is used?