hi just signed up .....glad to support ...its good to see we the people setting sites up like this looking forward to getting my card and betting these monstrous n evil corporations ps..ds
We are happy you joined the Forum and are elated to have you participate in the goings on concerning Saying NO to MSG and Other Excitotoxins. Welcome to the Forum!!!!
Years ago, Mick told me I should create a website designed to share with people the dangers of MSG and Other Excitotoxins. Thankfully to Mick, his wonderful way with words, and my simple skills of web designing, we have that website -
SayNOtoMSG.com - and this Forum. (Of course, this Forum is made possible by the hard working people of
Simple Machines. Only through their vision of merging "community" and "really cool mods" are we able to appreciate the gift of gab on this plane of digital interface called MisFiT City Forum.
Personally, I don't know how the evil ones can sleep at night knowing they are poisoning the world. They may have a lot of money, but they have NO soul.
Thank you again for joining the Forum and thank you for your support in Saying NO to MSG... and Other Excitotoxins. I hope the Laminated Card has aided you in your quest for good health.
If there is any way we can help farther, please let us know.
Keep up the good fight!!!
Sassafras Zellar