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World Discussions => Politics => Topic started by: Sassafras on April 15, 2009, 08:09:04 AM

Title: Still in doubt of Obama's citizenship?
Post by: Sassafras on April 15, 2009, 08:09:04 AM
Here it is!!!


Still in doubt?  It is hard to belief, but there ARE those still in doubt.  I have seen a few fake birth certificates on the internet and if ANYONE believes that these fake documents are real is either looney or just plain stupid.

Take the hint and except that our President is an American citizen.

Just Me

Title: Re: Still in doubt of Obama's citizenship?
Post by: Smokebender on April 15, 2009, 02:02:30 PM
At this point any doubt would be way beyond stupid. Anyone that far gone is not coming back. Still, it's a good post.
Title: Re: Still in doubt of Obama's citizenship?
Post by: Sassafras on April 17, 2009, 08:28:59 AM
Seeing all the ignorant people congregate on April 15th protesting taxes and the stimulation of the American economy after we "stimulated" banks, oil, E85 (corn gas), Iraq, and rich peoples' pension, it is hard to believe that there are so many people that still can't get past the fact that our President is an American citizen. 

The same taxes these people are protesting pay for emergency dispatchers, EMTs,  firefighters, paved roads, road construction, city water, city sewer, street lights, public transportation.

One thing that keeps happening over and over and over again is these twits keep shooting themselves in the foot which I find absolutely hilarious. 

Just Me

Title: Re: Still in doubt of Obama's citizenship?
Post by: EdisonBoy on May 06, 2009, 05:47:39 PM
Most of these people are silly as heck.  What's scary is that there are others in extremist groups that are using President Obama as a recruiting tool;

The report also noted that extremists "have capitalized on the election of the first African American president, and are focusing their efforts to recruit new members, mobilize existing supporters, and broaden their scope and appeal."



Title: Re: Still in doubt of Obama's citizenship?
Post by: EdisonBoy on May 07, 2009, 12:53:15 PM
Oops!  I just re-read what I wrote above and thought perhaps it sounded a bit too alarmist.

Thing is, I keep up with these hate groups through the SPLCs Hatewatch Weekly news email.  I guess, since I don't watch horror movies, it's my own version of horror, kind of a morbid fascination.  It's just a puzzle to me what kind of strange chain of logic causes that kind of thinking.

You'd also be surprised to find out that many of these hate groups have obscure linkages to the main neo-con thinkers.
Title: Re: Still in doubt of Obama's citizenship?
Post by: Smokebender on July 07, 2009, 04:04:11 PM
I understand and share your interest. It's good to know what the emeny is up to.
Title: Re: Still in doubt of Obama's citizenship?
Post by: Smokebender on July 28, 2009, 08:37:11 AM
Racism Is the Prime Cause for Debunked Obama Birth Certificate Conspiracy Theory

The "birther" conspiracy has been utterly debunked, yet more GOP establishment figures have embraced the transparently racist cause.

By now, everyone has heard of the "birthers," that rabid crop of self-appointed patriots who insist that Barack Hussein Obama is not a legitimate president because he is not really an American citizen. What was once a nasty little rumor in the early days of the presidential race has since evolved into a full-blown conspiracy theory whose proponents, though "viewed as irrelevant by the White House, and as embarrassing by much of the Republican Party," in the words of Politico's Ben Smith, nonetheless enjoy increasingly high-profile political support, and media coverage 9/11 "truthers" could only dream of.

Title: Re: Still in doubt of Obama's citizenship?
Post by: Smokebender on July 29, 2009, 09:24:55 AM

(July 28) -- The state of Hawaii and the U.S. House of Representatives are doing their best to put the Obama birthplace controversy to rest.

Fat chance.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs admitted Monday that nothing will change the minds of the "birthers" -- those true believers who insist President Obama is not a natural-born American citizen and therefore is not eligible to hold the highest office in the land.

Despite Minnesota Republican Michele Bachmann's attempt to block the vote, the House Monday passed a resolution that includes this declaration: "President Barack Obama was born in Hawaii on Aug. 4, 1961."
And for good measure, Hawaii's health director issued a statement saying she has doubled-checked the "original vital records" and, yep, just as she said last October, Obama was born in Hawaii.

Fox's Bill O'Reilly has weighed in -- declaring the birth certificate flap "bogus" but defending CNN's Lou Dobbs, who's under fire from the left for questioning Obama's citizenship.

But what if Obama hadn't been born in the USA? "I wouldn't give a damn if Obama was born in a cave in Afghanistan," Mark McKinnon wrote in Tuesday's Daily Beast. The former Bush and McCain strategist added: "There is no more an American story than Barack Obama."


(For more on nutcase Michele Bachmann see thread Armed and Dangerous)
Title: Re: Still in doubt of Obama's citizenship?
Post by: EdisonBoy on August 01, 2009, 09:40:35 PM
Just ask the birthers, What is it about President Obama that is so different that he should be held to any higher standard than any of the previous Presidents?  We all know what the answer is, and they do to, which is why it is a really good way to get them to STFU.  That is a bitter truth that they don't want to stomach, especially in a public setting.

Food for thought, eh?
Title: Re: Still in doubt of Obama's citizenship?
Post by: misfitguy on August 17, 2009, 06:11:26 AM
You'd also be surprised to find out that many of these hate groups have obscure linkages to the main neo-con thinkers.

Actually, I wouldn't be surprised.  I have been watching Rachel Maddow, on MSNBC, at 9 PM any night we are home.  She has very carefully been tying the neo-cons together with the whacko fringe groups.  Most of the money needed to publicize their efforts are coming from neo-con tycoons.  Many of these groups are three and four deep, trying to insulate the hate group from the mainstream group.  You can go to MSNBC's website and click on Rachel Maddow and watch past episodes. 

This is a very calculated and carefully financed campaign to try to win back the power for the fascist right.  I don't think the fascists have any passion other than power and what power will give them...more money, but they do take advantage of others passions, such as the birthers, the 2nd amendment group, rascists, people that fear socialism (this one boggles my brain), and all the other fears we are seeing.
