Author Topic: Fascism and the Neo-Con  (Read 9225 times)

Offline misfitguy

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Fascism and the Neo-Con
« on: March 05, 2009, 09:25:14 PM »
Fascism and the Neo-Con

One of the problems, when discussing politics with individuals today, is that the GOP and the Neo-Con Fascist movement get confused.  Just because a person claims to be a Republican, many GOP members feel a need to defend their actions and positions.  Sadly, with the introduction of Ronald Reagan and his introducing us to many of the leading Neo-Cons of today, such as Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld, the GOP was hi-jacked by the fascist movement that haunts us today.  I thought I would start with a definition of Fascism, with a capital F.  I took this from Wikipedia at

Fascism is an authoritarian nationalist ideology focused on solving economic, political, and social problems that its supporters see as causing national decline or decadence. Fascists aim to create a single-party state in which the government is led by a dictator who seeks unity by requiring individuals to subordinate self-interest to the collective interest of the nation, a race or even a social class. Fascist movements promote violent conflict between nations, political factions, and races as part of a social Darwinist view that conflict between these groups is natural and a part of evolution.

Fascist governments permanently forbid and suppress all criticism and opposition to the government and the fascist movement. Fascist movements oppose any ideology or political system that gives direct political power to people as individuals rather than as a collective through the state (liberalism, democracy, individualism); that is deemed detrimental to national identity and unity (class conflict, communism, internationalism, laissez-faire capitalism); that protects and enhances the power of "weak" people rather than promoting "strong" people (egalitarianism); that may oppose major changes to institutions and cultural values that it proposes (conservatism) and that undermine the military strength and military ambitions of the nation (pacifism).
Following the defeat of the Axis powers in World War II, the term fascist has been used as a pejorative word.

I have left the blue highlights from Wikipedia in this definition, so that if you are interested, you will know that you can go to the site and research these items.

It is important for us to understand the difference between the neo-con fascists and a Republican.  The neo-con fascist is a Republican because he/she is a member of the GOP.  They have no loyalty to the party, but only to their own dogmatic right wing, fascist beliefs.  They will attack their own party members, as we see happening today, if they do not tow the line and the line to these evil doers is a fascist right wing line.  In the past 8 years, this country has had to suffer as our beloved Constitution has been attacked and severely wounded.  The Patriot Act, the use of warrant-less wire taps (which by name is a description of an act that is unconstitutional) and the use of torture or enhanced interrogation techniques if you prefer at just some examples of the actions of the Bush administrations attempt to dilute the Constitution so as to empower them with unspeakable powers.  While these actions were happening, the neo-con fascists in the House and the Senate, which they held a majority, were protecting the administration from oversight by simply not overseeing them as well as using their majority to shut up any protest from the minority.  As a reward, during the first 6 years of the Bush administration, while the Neo-Con fascist controlled Congress, Bush did not veto one bill that was put on his desk.  He did, though, add hundreds of signing statements that added to the powers that he and his administration slowly stole from the people of this great country.
It is probable that many people that read this essay will think that I am being reactionary.  I don’t think I am though.  I am simply reporting what I observed during these past years of tyrannical, near dictatorship type rule.  I will add to this essay, but I thought it may be important to get it posted on the forum so that others could comment as well as the web crawlers to pick it up.  Please comment if you have any thoughts concerning the recognition of the fascist takeover of our country or if you disagree.


« Last Edit: March 05, 2009, 09:27:45 PM by misfitguy »
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Re: Fascism and the Neo-Con
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2009, 02:11:35 PM »
Hi Mick,

I'd like to comment on what you have written with this link I found on the internet. Please read it carefully and do watch the videos.

Is history coincidentally and ironically repeating itself?

I pray that it isn't.


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Re: Fascism and the Neo-Con
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2009, 04:52:10 PM »

I have seen similar claims that have tried to parallel Barack Obama and Adolf Hitler.  It is what is called a logical fallacy to do it.  Barack Obama is a left leaning, even socialist leaning Democrat.  Adolf Hitler was a far right Fascist.  The Neo-cons that hijacked the GOP are those that can parallel the advancement of Hitler and his agenda.  You must be able to see similar traits between the march of Fascism throughout the Reagan and first Bush administration, with it culminating in the second Bush administration.  Within 6 weeks of Jan. 20th, according to Bob Woodward's book "Plan of Attack", Sec. of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld held meetings to plan an attack on Iraq.  This was 7 months before the tragic attack on the WTC.  This sort of approach to presenting history is called setting a "Red Herring".  They want people to look at something other than what really happened.  

The video you referred me to doesn't  mention Barack Obama or even try to tie him into the followers of the Mufti.  Why did they title it Obama, Hitler, NWO, Change?  They simply are trying to discredit the Obama administration by association, I guess.  Barack Obama was born an American.  His father came from another country as millions of Americans can claim as well.  If his father had come from a white European country, I doubt if this issue would continue to be brought up.  Part of his youth experience included living in other cultures and learning about other religions.  I don't doubt that as a boy he would have prayed in the way of a Muslim.  I am a Baha'i, but my youth experience included summer schools in a Christian, particularly a Baptist, church.  I was even a member of a Congregational church that I had married in, but eventually, as I grew and questioned, I decided to follow the directions of Baha'u'llah and join the Baha'i Administrative Order.  These are the things that make each one of us an individual.

I have seen nothing but good from Barack Obama from the time he first got my attention.  I am very impressed with his administrations strength of commitment to the middle class, which, by the way, was almost destroyed by the Bush/neo-cons. (One of the important things a Fascist style of government requires is a weak middle class and a large struggling lower class they can get their workers and cannon fodder from.)  I also am pleased, so far, with his ability to communicate with all nations, including those that have been adversaries in the past.  There will be many things written in whispers about this man and his administration, but simply look for facts.  That is my advice.  

Concerning the attempt by the neo-cons to discredit Barack Obama by claiming he is a Muslim, who really knows.  We can only know what he claims.  If you claim to be a Christian, then who am I to question that, for instance.  I, personally, am not concerned.  There will come a day, I predict, that we will have a Muslim president.  And why not?  This is not a Christian nation.  This is a nation that recognizes that it is important for its citizens to be able to worship freely or even not worship at all.  There are individuals in the US that feel threatened by this sort of thinking and the Neo-cons, knowing this, play it every chance they get.  They used fear all the way back to Reagan and have continued until the present.  They are masters at fear mongering I would have to say.

I would like to hear your thoughts, particularly why the article, which seemed shallow and pointless, and the video, which didn't try to parallel Obama with Hitler, caused you concern.  This surely isn't a complete answer to these attacks, but, hopefully they will suffice to begin this debate.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2009, 05:28:14 PM by misfitguy »
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Re: Fascism and the Neo-Con
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2009, 05:47:31 PM »

I would like to comment on the article you made mention to.  I reread it and had Sassafras read it as well.  It is almost disorienting.  It tries to parallel Hitler's and Obama's life stories by mixing the two of them together, even though they had very dissimilar lives.  For instance, Barack Obama wrote three books. I have read two of them and they are not threatening, but very sharing.  They are auto-biographies and they do reveal who he is, which the article suggests we don't really know. 

Hitler wrote Mein Kampf.  "Hitler originally wanted to call his forthcoming book Viereinhalb Jahre (des Kampfes) gegen Lüge, Dummheit und Feigheit, or Four and a Half Years (of Fighting) Against Lies, Stupidity and Cowardice. Max Amann, head of the Franz Eher Verlag and Hitler's publisher, is said to have suggested[2] the much shorter "Mein Kampf", often translated as "My Struggle", "My Challenge", "My Campaign", "My Fight", or "My Battle"."  (reference Wikipedia,

It is a partial autobiography, but is really two volumes of mostly his political beliefs, which he started dictating in prison around 1925.  They are not similar at all.  Also, there seems to be a need for these characters to try to suggest that since Barack Obama is left leaning, and maybe could be called a social-democrat, and Hitler's party was called the National Socialist Party, then this shows that they have the same political beliefs.  Hitler hi-jacked the National Socialist Party as the Neo-Cons, led by R. Reagan did the GOP. The GOP was never this gun toting, right wing, flag waving bunch as we have today.  The German National Socialist Party was not a Fascist party as well until Hitler became their leader.

Lastly, for this moment anyway, concerning the New World Order.  We are already in it.  It simply describes what has happened as our world became smaller because of technology.  I like to use a couple of examples.  We, USA, made it illegal to use DDT in the US because it was so toxic, but we allowed companies to continue to make it and sell it to other countries.  So it was produced by the ship loads and sold to Brazil, where they put it on their coffee bushes to control pests; the same coffee we drink every morning.  Similar examples would be American companies that have moved over seas to produce products with processes that are harmful to our atmosphere and the surrounding ecology, because we told them they couldn't do it here and yet it still affects the whole world.

Baha'u'llah foretold us of a New World Order in 1863.  As a Baha'i we are comfortable as it develops.  We believe that "The world is but one country and mankind is its citizen..."  Baha'u'llah.  George Bush Senior spoke of it because he had read a document called "The Promise of World Peace, which was presented to him around 1990.  This document was written "To the People of the World" and is a compilation of the writings and requirements of us as citizens of the world as the New World Order forms itself.  You can find the document I am referring to here. 

I would like to hear yours and other comments concerning my response.

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Military justice is to justice what military music is to music.

~Groucho Marx

"The world is one country and mankind is its citizens..."  Baha'u'llah