Actually, the Anti-Christ, as Sassafras pointed out exists and has existed since the time of Christ. Anybody that doesn't believe in the Spirit and works against beliefs of the Spirit, would be an Anti-Christ. If you believe that Christ was imbued with the Spirit of God and that is what made him a Manifestation, then anybody that denies His teachings is an Anti-Christ. But let's go further. If you believe in that imbument of God's Spirit and as Christ said that He was not the first not would He be the last, but the Spirit would continue to return, then anybody that is imbued with that same Spirit would be as if Christ Himself was there. For instance, if Mohammed was filled with this same spirit as He claims, than anybody that acted against His teachings would be considered an Anti-Christ.
Even further, in 1843, The Bab, announced that He was here to prepare the world for somebody greater than Himself; The Comforter, The Unifier. He said that He Who Would Make Himself Manifest would unite the world. All those that refused The Bab and actively worked against His teachings and then martyred Him were Anti-Christs. When Baha'u'llah declared Himself as He Who Would Make Himself Manifest in the Garden of Ridvan, all those that denied Him and tortured Him and incarcerated Him and exiled Him, were Anti-Christs. Maybe if the name was Anti-God, then it would be more palatable for people to accept, but the meaning would be the same. Today, the Anti-Christs are found in large numbers. Anybody that "hates" the teachings of any of the Manifestations are Anti-Christs. None of the Manifestations taught us to hate. All of them taught us to love. Hate is probably one of the most noticeable attributes of the Anti-Christs around us.