Health Discussions > :: To Your Health - Dedicated MSG Section

Laminated Card Offer is Still Free

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I am surely not one to tell you, you don't suffer from FMA, but many people that have been told that by their doctors and were treated as such, simply were sensitive to excitotoxins.  The medical industry pretty much doesn't recognize msg and other excitotoxin sensitivities.  They do recognize the amount of office calls you will have to make, though, to treat their diagnosed fibromyalgia.  Also, they and the drug industry, recognize the amount of drugs that will be sold to cover up the symptoms that you are suffering from.  We have found if individuals seriously read labels, question restaurants and friends that invite them over for a meal, and eliminate excitotoxins from their diet, they simply become miraculously cured from all the other ailments that have enriched the medical field and drug industry.

By the way, all hair conditioners have msg in them and most toothpastes have carrageenan in them.  As you clean up your diet, their are other places that the excitotoxins creep in.  Sass used some waterless anti-bacterial cleaner a few weeks ago and we weren't around water so she couldn't rinse off her hands.  Later she ate some finger food, sliced apples, and got a reaction.  We always investigate any reaction she gets and eventually were able to narrow it down to the waterless hand cleaner.  It is tough to have this allergy, because the food industry uses excitotoxins to increase their profits, the drug industry sells a zillion and some more of pain masking medicines and doctors make a tidy sum treating symptoms rather than solving the problem.

Keep up the good fight


 Where do I find the email address?


--- Quote from: johnshan93 on April 01, 2013, 09:40:26 AM --- Where do I find the email address?

--- End quote ---


Thank you for for joining the Forum and welcome!!!   [welcome] [welcome] [welcome]

You should've be able to click on the hyperlink email where you read about joining this Forum and emailing me if there wasn't an email somewhere in the message or you can simply email me at to get your Laminated Card.  I have posts and information sections throughout the Forum and on for people interested in getting one of the helpful Laminated Cards we offer.  Did you first read about us on the internet or did someone tell you about us?

If you have any questions or concerns, please use the Forum or email me.

Keep up the good fight!!!

Just Me

I am so thankful to find your website on MSG!! May I please have a laminated card to keep with me? Thanks so much!

I was diagnosised with high blood pressure at age 18 and suffered extreme migrain headaces until I was 35.
I first became aware of my reactions to it in 1997, when eating a McDonald's burger meal for lunch
 at work. A co-worker suggested my reactions to the food could be MSG and told me of a horror
 story of a family member who ate at McDonalds for a year and was ill all the time, finally doctors trace it to food.
(The persons wife had died, he walked a block to McDonalds 2x a day to eat for the next yr.)
Since 2007, I have been hospitalized 3x's for extreme blood pressure and heart arithamy. Tests of every sort,  have always come back negative and doctors have now diagnosised the blood pressure as anxiety and refuse to admit it is MSG! I refuse to take anxiety medication as well. I no longer eat in restaurants or pot luck dinners and am trying to educate my family on the use of ingredients with MSG. As most MisFits, I could tell many stories of reactions but will spare you.

(Removed address and name for your own safety)  Mick


We are glad you have started searching for answers and are happy you found our website.  Both the Forum and have a lot of information that will be helpful to your overcoming your affliction.  We have come to believe that the medical industry simply does not know anything about the effects of msg and other excitotoxins.  We also have come to believe most don't really care.  Treating the symptoms caused by excitotoxins is a billion dollar business for both the medical industry and the pharmaceutical industry.  It has become the duty of each individual to search out the truth and change their diet and life style accordingly,

Welcome to the Forum and please share your experiences.  This site is read by many people like yourself searching for answers.  By the way, we will edit your post to eliminate your address.

Keep up the good fight

Just me Sassafras

Mick and Sassafras Zellar


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