Health Discussions > :: To Your Health - Dedicated MSG Section

Links About Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

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It has been nearly a month since your announcement of your final essay for class.  How's it going?  I don't know when your project is due.  I might just be over-anxious.

Just Me


I have a couple of links I would like to add.

Dangerous Ingredients

--- Quote from: Dangerous Ingredients ---BHA – BHT
Banned in other countries, these two preservatives are considered carcinogenic but remain in U.S. manufactured foods that contain oil as they retard rancidity. Found in foods and body products.
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Food Allergy, Intolerance & Sensitivity

--- Quote from: Food Allergy, Intolerance & Sensitivity ---Amino Acids as Food Additives:

We have examined above how certain amino acids can be problematic for the body in high concentrations, i.e. Homocysteine on the Nutritional page. We shall examine two others. The first is Glutamic acid or Glutamate (as Mono-Sodium Glutamate - MSG). The other is Aspartyl-Phenylalanine-1-Methyl Ester, a.k.a. Aspartame or Nutrisweet.
--- End quote ---

I hope these sites help in your search.

Just Me


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